Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for membership in ARES EDMONTON.  Training may be required or desired to participate fully in ARES EDMONTON.  Please inquire for specific information.  Because ARES EDMONTON is an Amateur Radio Service, a radio amateur certificate is desirable for membership. Emergency-powered equipment is not a requirement for membership.

A catastrophe can happen at any moment. Are you prepared? Are you willing to help out in times of need? Being a licensed amateur radio operator puts you in a unique position with equipment that may be invaluable in an emergency situation.

Operating with ARES EDMONTON (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) and many First Responder Agencies in the Edmonton area is an important aspect of public service and emergency activities. We provide training courses covering emergency communication to expand the ranks of amateur radio operators willing to help in an emergency situation. Part of the emergency preparedness program involves the construction and operation of NARCPAC. This portable station providers a repeater and numerous VHF/UHF/HF antennas to provide communications from anywhere, either under its own power or from grid power when it is available.

How to Get Involved in ARES EDMONTON

Fill out the ARES Registration form online.